Tom Wheeler is a web developer and energy data analyst with a Master’s of Environmental Science & Management from the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. Currently working as an energy analyst for Portland General Electric, Tom is excited about enabling rapid renewable energy deployment and better grid management with DERs. Tom’s previous work includes developing dashboards to calculate the future economic value of utility-scale solar with battery projects in California and tracking data center energy use by top tech companies to help international climate policy-makers and data center energy modelers better understand trends in data center energy use by the top 50+ global technology companies.
Web Applications I’ve Worked On
Data Analysis & Other Projects
Tools I’ve Worked With
Languages & web development frameworks I work
with: R, R Shiny, Python, Django, Flask, JavaScript
Modeling & analysis experience:
Geospatial Analysis, Time Series (Seasonal Decomposition),
Value of Information Economic Analysis, Renewable Energy
Project Valuation, Energy Demand Analysis
University of California, Santa Barbara
| Bren
School | Santa Barbara, CA
Masters of Environmental
Science & Management | September 2020 - June 2022
University of California, San Diego | Data
Science & Visualization Bootcamp | San Diego, CA
Certificate of Completion | January 2020 - June
Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, CA
Bachelors of Environmental Science | September 2012 -
June 2016